Dear Vanniyar friends and relatives, by this website - Vanniyadoctors .com - it is intended to unite all Vanniya Kula Kshatriya Doctors worldwide together irrespective of their speciality, place of residence, party affiliations, subcastes, social status, etc. First of all let us know each other by regisgtering in this website freely and by encouraging all our Vanniyar Doctor friends and realtives to register so that we can know who is who and wher and all we spread out and how one can help others. We have tried to categorize by category Allopathy or alternate medicine with specialization. We are also offering Matrimonial /Job portal so that needy individuals are benefited. The Obituary service will be working round the clock so that the message can reach many quickly. The news and events will depict important happenings in medical field more so with our people. Blood donor portal is included which will serve a noble cause. Popular Doctors of the past and prsent have been included. (Many more to be added.) As the website is still under construction you can help by providing more inputs so that all deserving reliable data can be included. All your suggestions and comments are welcome. With familial regards, Vanniya Doctors - organizing Team